Submitting Your Artwork
Our art staff can create artwork based on your ideas or sketches. You can also submit your own designs for us to produce. See the list here of some of our more popular fonts. Please refer to these when placing your order unless you will be submitting your own font (read below). If you provide hand drawn art please make it black and white outlines only. If needed provide an additional color copy. We can accept artwork created by a variety of artwork programs and in several image file formats. To save you time and effort it is very important that you read below and speak with our art department before creating any artwork via computer for submission. All designs will become the property of Greek101.com and will not be mailed back with your order. Greek101 reserves the right to display artwork of orders in our portfolio for the purposes of advertising. You may submit logos of businesses or other organizations to us for use in your order. Most of these organizations have a Marketing Department that can provide us with their logo in the formats described below. A $40 fee PER LOGO will be assesed for any logo that needs to be re-created because the art submitted to us does not meet the criteria listed below.
Submitting Your Artwork
Our art staff can create artwork based on your ideas or sketches. You can also submit your own designs for us to produce. See the list here of some of our more popular fonts. Please refer to these when placing your order unless you will be submitting your own font (read below). If you provide hand drawn art please make it black and white outlines only. If needed provide an additional color copy. We can accept artwork created by a variety of artwork programs and in several image file formats. To save you time and effort it is very important that you read below and speak with our art department before creating any artwork via computer for submission. All designs will become the property of Greek101.com and will not be mailed back with your order. Greek101 reserves the right to display artwork of orders in our portfolio for the purposes of advertising. You may submit logos of businesses or other organizations to us for use in your order. Most of these organizations have a Marketing Department.