Follow these guidelines when creating and submitting your own art.
Electronic Art Files
We can accept artwork created by a variety of artwork programs and in several image file formats. However, some file types work better than others. Preferred formats:
- Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Illustrator is a "vector" format, which allows images to be enlarged with no loss of quality. Convert all fonts to outlines to eliminate the need for us to have your font installed. Please note that placed images or photos may not reproduce properly when using this format.
COREL DRAW USERS: Save your file as an Adobe Illustrator File Type before submission.
- Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
We can also print from Photoshop (.psd) files. Some general guidelines:
- Line art should be rendered in black and white.
- For multi-colored designs, save each color in a separate layer.
- Resolution should be 300 dpi or higher.
- Save at the size the design will be on the finished product.
- Gradients and photos may require special handling by our art staff.
- Other Preferred Formats (.tif, .pdf, .eps. .bmp)
Please follow the guidelines for Photoshop files when preparing files in these formats.

What about .jpg's and .gif's?
Because these filetypes are so common on the web, a lot of images are in .jpg or .gif format. These formats look good on a computer screen, but typically appear jagged or blurry when used in the printing process. We can accept these images, but be aware that we will often need to use them as a basis for our art staff to redraw them, which may result in additional charges.
Generally we cannot use Microsoft Publisher, Paint, or Word files. If your artwork has already been composed in one of these formats, the best step is to print your design and fax it to us at 507-387-3757 for advice on how to proceed.
If you have any questions about an art file you already have, please call us at 800-742-1352 or use our Ask A Question form to upload the file to us. We will contact you promptly with with help concerning your design.
Hand Drawn Art
If you provide hand drawn art please make it black and white outlines only. This is widely known as "camera-ready" art. If needed provide an additional color version of your art as a guide to our production department. If your art will require additional adaptation to work, we will contact you prior to proceeding.
Art and Logos Taken from Printed Materials
Your art may exist on other printed materials you provide (e.g. business cards, brochures, etc). If you have access to an electronic version of the art, that is the best option. If not, the art may have to be redrawn by our art staff, usually for a small fee (unless the art is complex). Please contact us to discuss your specific project. We cannot print copyrighted materials without written permission.
All designs will become the property of B.Stark & Co. and will not be mailed back with your order. B.Stark & Co. reserves the right to display artwork from orders for advertising purposes.
Getting Your Art to Us
Submit your electronic artwork via email, or as part of an online Quote Request. We accept CD-ROM's, DVD's, 100 MB Zip Drives or Flash Drives. Electronic and hand drawn art can also be sent via the US Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx.